
What are the benefits of installing home energy storage?

Reduce energy expenses: Households generate and store electricity independently, which can greatly reduce the power consumption of the grid and do not have to rely entirely on power supply from the grid;

Avoid peak electricity prices: Energy storage batteries can store electricity during low-peak periods and discharge during peak periods, reducing electricity bills;

Achieve independence in electricity consumption: store the electricity generated by solar energy during the day and use it at night. It can also be used as a backup power supply in case of sudden power outage.

Its operation is not affected by city power supply pressure. During low power consumption periods, the battery pack in the home energy storage system can recharge itself to provide backup for peak power or power outages.

Impact on society:

Overcome Transmission Losses: Losses in the transmission of electricity from power stations to homes are inevitable, especially in densely populated metropolitan areas. However, if households generate and store electricity independently and reduce external power transmission, transmission losses can be significantly reduced and the power grid transmission efficiency can be achieved.

Grid support: If home energy storage is connected to the grid and the surplus electricity generated by the home is input into the grid, it can greatly relieve the pressure on the grid.

Reduce the use of fossil energy: Households can greatly improve the efficiency of electricity consumption by storing their own power generation. At the same time, power generation technologies using fossil energy such as natural gas, coal, petroleum and diesel will be gradually eliminated.

With the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous reduction of costs, home energy storage will become an important part of the future energy field. Let’s work together to unlock the potential of home energy storage and empower the future!


Post time: Oct-27-2023